The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast

by Pat Flynn · · · · 56 subscribers

Pat Flynn from The Smart Passive Income Blog reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources and killer marketing tips and tricks so you can be ahead of the curve with your online business or blog. Discover how you can create multiple passive income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home. Since 2008, he's been supporting his family with his many online businesses, and he's been openly sharing his wins, his losses, and all the lessons in between with the community of energetic but humble entrepreneurs who follow him. Self- proclaimed "crash test dummy of online business", you'll learn about building authority online, email marketing, building a team and outsourcing, content marketing, podcasting, search engine optimization, niche sites, social media strategies, how to get more traffic, creating online courses, affiliate marketing, and productivity tips so that you create something amazing without burning yourself out. It's a mix of interviews, special co-hosts and solo shows from Pat you're not going to want to miss. Hit subscribe, and get ready to change your life.

# 592 Ever feel like your marketing is too salesy? The question is, can you stay true to yourself and still attract customers? You can! In fact, being upfront will likely lead to better results. That’s why Daphne Gomez is taking over the show today to talk about mindful marketing. …
#591 How do people go from first discovering our businesses to investing thousands of dollars with us? You might think that's impossible, but today we talk about the funnels that can get you there. Rick Mulready, from The Art of Online Business Podcast, returns to the show and we go …
590 SPI 590: Share the Platform July 1, 2022
#590 In the early days, as Smart Passive Income began to grow, people started asking me if they could guest blog on the site, or guest host on the podcast, and I said no. It took me some time to realize that I was being selfish and actually hurting my …
#589 On today’s episode I interview the other Pat Flynn, owner of Chronicles of Strength. I like to call him Kettlebell Pat Flynn. Why did I bring Pat on? Because we wanted to connect and understand what it was like in this world to share the same name as business …
#588 I was thinking about something the other day: that success as an entrepreneur is largely a game of energy management. You may remember when we had Jim Collins on the show to talk about his idea of the “20-mile march,” from his book _Great by Choice_. In the book, …
#587 Today I’m talking with Keenya Kelly about short-form video platforms. Things like Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, and specifically TikTok, and how you can use short-form videos to grow your business. Keenya’s been on the podcast before to talk about the environment of short-form video. Many businesses are using them …
586 SPI 586: Excuses June 17, 2022
#586 In the 14 years I've been an entrepreneur, I still create excuses about why I can't do certain things or why something I attempt won't work out. So today I want to cover some of the more common excuses that hold back entrepreneurs. This is going to be a …
#585 Today I’m talking with Caleb Wojcik. Caleb and I go way back, and he’s been on the show a couple of times. A while back he talked about creating videos and getting started on YouTube. More recently he came on to talk about SwitchPod, the physical product that we …
#584 Writing a book and getting it out into the world is one of the hardest things you can do—and one of the most fulfilling. I'm [currently working on my next book]( writing-lean-learner/), titled _The Lean Learner_. After self-publishing three books, I want to try to get this one in …
#583 Did you know you can actually increase your productivity, creativity, and happiness simply by having plants in your office or around your house? We spend so much time and money on applications, devices, and other things to help us produce more. Why not simply add a plant? This isn’t …
#582 Today I want to share what can happen when you combine your superpowers and implement them elsewhere. One of the things I've been doing in the online video space with my new YouTube channel, Deep Pocket Monster, is building relationships. As a result, I've recently had the opportunity to …
#581 For the last year and a half I’ve been talking about my new side hustle. It’s called Deep Pocket Monster, and it’s a YouTube channel in the Pokemon hobby collection space. It’s doing amazingly well, and today I’d like to do a deep dive into how it got started. …
#580 Benjamin is a business and transformation coach who has realized that the foundation your business is built on is often as important as—if not more important than—how you execute on things. In today's episode, he'll be covering three topics: why your intuition matters, how to follow it, and the …
#579 On today’s show I talk with Graham Cochrane. When he was in college Graham was set on becoming a musician. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. He had to get a job that he didn’t like, and even started living off of food stamps for a while. In this …
#578 In today's Teaching Friday episode, you're going to learn how to think mythically, to see how ancient stories can reflect your journey through life and business, and gain some insights to help you on your way. Daniel Allison is a bestselling author and oral storyteller. He's going to share …
#577 One of the most common questions I get is, “Pat, do you have a business coach? You coach a lot of people. You have a podcast. You help tens of thousands of people. Do you get help, too?” Absolutely. I think it’s massively important, and today you get to …
#576 This episode is another Teaching Friday, where we bring in members of our [SPI Pro]( community to teach us about a topic in their area of genius! Today, Dr. Michael Gerharz of [Leaders Light the Path]( shares why it's so important to “light the path” for your audience, so …
#575 Today I’m joined by Donald C. Kelly. Donald is known as The Sales Evangelist, and his new book _Sell It Like a Mango_ is going to teach us how to close more deals. When I asked why it’s called _Sell It Like a Mango_ , Donald told me about …
#574 In the return of our Teaching Friday series, we welcome [Rose Griffin](, a speech therapist with her own business at [ABA SPEECH](, as well as a [podcast]( Rose loves using and optimizing social media to reach her ideal clients, and she's here today to talk about getting started with …
#573 Today we’re talking all about community. Leaning into building communities has paid huge dividends for Smart Passive Income. Our guest is Andy Guttormsen, Co-Founder of Circle. Andy has access to 5,000-plus communities, so he knows what’s working and what’s not working for communities in 2022. We’re going to talk …