The Smart Passive Income Online Business and Blogging Podcast

by Pat Flynn · · · · 56 subscribers

Pat Flynn from The Smart Passive Income Blog reveals all of his online business and blogging strategies, income sources and killer marketing tips and tricks so you can be ahead of the curve with your online business or blog. Discover how you can create multiple passive income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home. Since 2008, he's been supporting his family with his many online businesses, and he's been openly sharing his wins, his losses, and all the lessons in between with the community of energetic but humble entrepreneurs who follow him. Self- proclaimed "crash test dummy of online business", you'll learn about building authority online, email marketing, building a team and outsourcing, content marketing, podcasting, search engine optimization, niche sites, social media strategies, how to get more traffic, creating online courses, affiliate marketing, and productivity tips so that you create something amazing without burning yourself out. It's a mix of interviews, special co-hosts and solo shows from Pat you're not going to want to miss. Hit subscribe, and get ready to change your life.

#475 Is it even possible to win at work _and_ life? It's the so-called "double win" — succeeding at work and life simultaneously — and Michael Hyatt's here to explain some of the strategies he uses to achieve it. He has a new book out on this very topic, which …
#474 Today we're going to jump back in the DeLorean and go all the way back to when I made my first time hire. Now, this wasn't a long-term hire or a team member, but I learned a lot of valuable lessons in the process (some of them kind of …
#473 How do you show appreciation for your assistant, who basically acts as an extension of your entrepreneurial self? Or, how do you resolve conflict with an assistant, what do you do if they're not the right fit? We're going to get into all of that, discuss how my assistant's …
#472 We just had an amazing episode on the podcast earlier this week — [SPI 471: How to Become a Better Communicator with Kolarele Sonaike]( Definitely listen to it if you haven't had a chance yet. But today I want to share my own journey as a communicator. We're going …
#471 Communication is one of the most critical foundations to everything you do as an entrepreneur, in your personal relationships, and so much more. And becoming a _better_ communicator is a lifelong journey — how do we do better? Our guest today is Koralele Sonaike, a Communication Skills Coach with …
470 SPI 470: I Found It! March 26, 2021
#470: What is it I've found, you ask? Let me tell you: a topic that I'm deeply interested in and a way to share it that's unlike what anyone else is doing. In session 469, I talked to Nick from PokeRev about his Pokemon card collecting and how he's been …
#469 What if you could turn a hobby or passion — maybe something you loved or were crazy about as a kid — into a thriving goldmine of a business? That's exactly what Nick, AKA PokeRev, has done. Pokemon was his passion as a kid, it's something that's deeply steeped …
#468: In [SPI 467](, I talked to Kristen at [Bearfoot Theory](, who took a month- long sabbatical from work at the end of 2020—a whole month disconnected from her business!— and managed to make more money than she had before, even while she was gone. We all need a break …
#467 We talk about a lot of business topics here at SPI, most of them related to moving forward: how to optimize your time, build your business, launch courses, create a podcast. It's a lot of _doing_. But today we're going to talk about something on a different side of …
#466: We go deep in this episode. We're talking about the entrepreneurial leap—that moment when you accept the risk and truly dedicate yourself to the path of starting your own business. For me, it didn't happen the moment I got laid off or even after I started making more than …
#465 Today's guest has written some truly incredible books that I wish I'd had on hand at that time. His book [_Rocket Fuel_]( Fuel-Essential-Combination-Business/dp/1942952317) was a game-changer for me in helping me realize my role in the business. His new book, [_Entrepreneurial Leap_]( is a powerful book, especially for anyone …
#464: I'm excited to introduce you to our first Follow-Up Friday episode on the SPI Podcast! Over the last couple of years we've had a lot of requests for more solo episodes of the show and now we're finally doing it. I'll be dropping a new episode every Friday to …
#463: Starting off in a brand-new space can be hard for anyone but there are some strategies and mindsets you can use to optimize your approach. Today I'm going to break it down for you as I talk about my new YouTube channel . . . in the Pokemon card …
#462: The cash flow between advertisers and podcasters recently has been insane — some projections say over $1 billion will be spent on podcast ads in 2021. So where do you start, whether you're someone with their own show or an advertiser with a product or service you want to …
If you're familiar with this podcast then you've probably heard me talk about the power of podcasting. Seriously, it can be life-changing. But what's going on out there in the "podverse" — what's the state of podcasting in 2021? Whether you're new to podcasting or already have a show of …
#461: Darryll was a Division I athlete when his football career essentially... imploded. By learning how to pick himself up from that event, including a serious turning point in his life due to a suicide attempt, Darryll realized an incredible new mission: to help people, specifically athletes, to find their …
#460: So look, I usually don't try to "sell" anyone too hard when it comes to these episodes, but this one might just change your life. Why? Well, if I had to suggest ways to get started tomorrow, this would be one of my top recommendations: start freelancing now. With …
Bonus episodes are a rare occurrence here but we're doing this one because we feel compelled to tell you about an incredible shift happening in our industry and an amazing tool we're using to ride that shift. It's called Circle. Today, we're going to explain why community is _everything_ and …
#459: Is there a formula to winning on YouTube? We've been getting requests for an episode just like this one for a while, which is why I'm thrilled to bring on Derral Eves, founder of VidSummit. He is an absolute master when it comes to understanding what it takes to …
This is the podcast for people who want to create and sustain a passive income stream online! Whether you have a side-hustle already in the works, don’t even know where to begin, or just want to crush it with what you got — this show has it all: from expert …